The Art of Soapmaking

I sell my soaps at craft fairs just about every weekend (April-December) and I always get asked who makes the soap and where "you guys" are located. I smile and say there is no "you guys" just me! I make everything on the table. The lip balms, the lotions, and yes...the soap!

The cool thing about making soap, is that I can make something that cannot be found in most stores. Some of my more popular soaps have unusual ingredients like cucumbers, bananas, and beer. The other day, I took some pictures when I made a batch of my cucumber aloe soap. So, I will explain a bit how the magic works!

Making soap is simply following a recipe...just like you would follow a recipe to make a cake or an empanada. An accurate scale is a must. I first puree the cucumbers and measure out the aloe juice to mix with the lye (sodium hydroxide.)

You cannot make soap without matter what anyone says. No soap! When handling lye, you should be wearing protective goggles. If you were to get any in your eye, you risk serious injuries!

Then I mix the lye into the aloe juice and cucumber puree. I do this in the sink just in case of any is contained in the sink. The last thing you want is little bits of lye all over the kitchen.

While I was pureeing cucumbers and measuring out aloe juice, I melted all of my oils and butters. You can make soap with just one oil or twenty oils. It takes a bit of experimentation to come up with a recipe that you like.

Then I mix everything up with my trusty stick blender. You don't need a blender, you can use a spoon, but the stick blender speeds everything up.

I mix until the soap batter reaches trace. This simply means that the soap is mixed until the batter is thick and emulsified. I mix it until it is almost solid in the pot.

Most soapers pour the soap into a mold once they reach trace. I take things a step further and cook the soap in the oven. This is called "hot process." Basically, I am accelerating the chemical reaction by the addition of heat. This means that the soap is fully "saponified" and ready to use asap. Normally, If you don't add heat, the soap needs to sit for at least 4 weeks before use.

While the soap is cooking, I measure out my fragrance/essential oils and my "superfat" shea butter. Because the soap is fully saponified, the shea butter is not involved in the chemical reaction, and in theory, will be left free in the soap. This means that the soap will not overly dry you out!

Then I pour the soap into a mold. You can use just about anything for a mold...tupperware, a shoe box, silicone muffin pans, an empty carton of milk. You just need to properly line the mold, so your soap can be removed. Once the soap is hardened in the mold, you can take it out and slice.

Here is the soap sliced and ready to be labeled and wrapped. I always include all ingredients because some people may have certain allergens. I once met a woman who was allergic to olive oil!

Until next time, happy crafting!

Nordea nordeasoaperie

Get Caffeinated with the {NewNew}!

I am not a morning person. I cannot stress that enough. Left to my own devices, I would go to bed at 2:00am and wake up at 11:00am. Yes, I need 9 hours of sleep. Sue me.
However, I am forced to get up at the ungodly hour of 7:00am twice a week - well, I am not exactly forced, but when I had cats I used to like to spend 60-90 minutes with them until I had to start getting ready and I still get up with extra time. But now I spend that time nursing my coffee and reading, playing around on the computer or frantically writing late blog posts. That last example is purely hypothetical. I found coffee after I quit smoking cigarettes, which was over 20 years ago. I desperately needed a new ritual and turned to coffee, which I had previously found disgusting. I still found it awful, but in reverse proportion to the amount of milk and sugar I added. I could only stomach it if it was like melted coffee ice cream, which I am also not so crazy about. But like any good addict, I persevered and over time got to where I only need a teaspoon of sugar and a regular amount of milk. Something else changed - I adore coffee. I love my coffee addiction. Don't get me wrong, I rarely go over 2 cups a day. But the anticipation and the ritual is something I really get excited about. So in honor of coffee, here are some coffee-related items (with special guest tea) from the {NewNew}.

How cool is this? ItsaStitch has embroidered a caffeine molecule! Don't you love science?
Lipeony has basically captured my feelings in this adorable art print.
NordeaSoaperie brilliantly adds coffee grounds to her kitchen scrubby soap, which is made with coffee instead of water to remove fishy or garlicky or other odors from your hands.
Drinking your morning joe out of TakeMeHomeware's mug would be twice as nice!
SuzanneArtist's magnet reminds you of the dangers of overdoing it.
And, as promised, here is your nod to tea. New York Clocks has fashioned a real working clock from a beautiful cobalt blue tea tin. And you can even store things in it!
Until next time,

Favorite Tools: NordeaSoaperie

Today's Favorite Tools post highlights the handiwork of soap-making maven, Nordea, of NordeaSoaperie. Nordea's favorite tool is her trusty hand-blender (pictured above). She uses it to cut the time- and labor-intensity of making her hot-process soaps. In hot-process soap-making, fatty acids from oil are combined with sodium hydroxide (lye) and water and then cooked, first on the stove and then in the oven. Heat hastens the chemical reaction that ultimately creates the soap.

Nordea relies on her hand-blender to achieve what soapers call "trace," the point at which the oil and lye-water mixture blends permanently together and can no longer return to its component parts.

Oil and lye-water mixture not-quite-mixed, with bits of oil still visible

As Nordea explains, "With hot-process, it is important to get to a 'heavy trace,' meaning the soap is pretty much solid in the pot before putting it in the oven. The thicker the soap batter, the better the cook."

Heavy trace: The drips of soap from the blender form a pattern on the surface of the soap.

After 45 minutes in the oven the soap has liquified and is ready for the addition of fragrances and pouring into molds.

It takes about 10-15 minutes of mixing with a hand-blender for the oil and lye-water mixture to come to trace. Nordea estimates that it would take at least three times as long without the hand-blender. It would also take very large arm muscles.

But Nordea also makes liquid soap, and here the use of a hand-blender is absolutely imperative. "Even with the [hand]-blender, it takes at least 45 minutes for the soap to come to trace. So I would NOT be able to make my liquid soap without it." And that would be sad!

Until next time --


From Muddy To Marvelous: Nordea's Soaperie encounter with Neko Case

Anyone who vends at one of the many craft shows and markets that take place in New York City knows it can be hit or miss. Sometimes it can really test your tenacity. Especially with the economic climate...and the climate itself!

The {NewNew}'s very own Nordea of Nordea's Soaperie can attest to a day that was less than stellar. It was a day at the All Points West Music Festival when she was selling her fine handcrafted soap. Nordea described how there was just mud everywhere and her favorite shoes were a real mess. Still, she endured the festival and the commitment she had made to display with other crafters.

This story shows that you never know what great things can come out of a day that didn't at first seem all that special.

Nordea recounted to me that a few people bought her Lemon-Poppy Body Polish scrub. Little did she know that a few weeks later, an order would come in for several more. And that the order would come from one amazing singer: Neko Case! Her backup vocalist, Kelly Hogan, also ordered it!

Last Monday morning I received a quick email from Nordea which was very short and to the point:

"Can't give you all the details now, but a singer bought my scrub and wants to invite me as a VIP with a guest for a show tonight, you in??"

My reply: "Heck yeah!!"

After the wonderful (and sold out) show, Nordea and I proceeded to the VIP area to wait patiently for Neko's meet and greet session. After briefly saying hello to some other VIP's, Neko almost instantly spotted Nordea and came over to us and gave us both hugs! I stood by with such a smile on my face as Neko spoke with Nordea to explain how being on tour offers few chances for pure bliss and how Nordea's scrub really was one of the highlights of her tour so far! It was magical, if not surreal. Neko Case is now a bonifide fan of Nordea's Soaperie and has vowed to help Nordea spread the gospel of her handmade soap, as she is a huge fan of the entire handmade revolution herself. Neko even offered to grow plants and herbs at her farm in Vermont especially for Nordea's Soap! She also said that she would try to visit our Holiday Handmade Cavalcade on December 5th!!!

Neko then asked us if we'd like to grab a drink with her and the band at a bar on the Upper West Side not far from the Beacon Theatre. How could we refuse! So off we went and hung out and spoke with, among others, Neko's backup singer Kelly who was also so down to earth and ranting and raving about Nordea's scrub!

It was an unforgettable evening, and I believe that Nordea emerged a rockstar! And in all this, I also believe that everyone can take away valuable message from Nordea's story: You never know when a muddy day will take a turn for the marvelous!

I would like thank Nordea for sharing this moment with me!

by Lorina Pellach-Ladrillono of

The Original Beadscarf

This Weekend: Second Annual {NewNew} Day at Brooklyn Indie Market

Ready, Set, Shop! A select group of artists from the {NewNew} will be featuring their wares at the Brooklyn Indie Market November 14-15 from 11am-7pm. This is the second time the {NewNew} has collaborated with the Brooklyn Indie Market on a fantastic shopping event.

The first 10 shoppers on Saturday and Sunday will get a free goody bag, and anyone can download a coupon for discounts by going here.

Get something for the home:

Get something for the baby:

Get something that sparkles:

Send a card (instead of email!)

Get a new party dress:

This is just a small sampling of the fantastic handmade goods that will be available at this exciting shopping event. Please visit for a complete list of participating vendors.

Directions: Take the F or G train to the Carroll Street Station and look for the big red & white tent on Smith Street between President and Union.

When: Saturday November 14 and Sunday November 15, 11am-7pm.

Nordea's Soaperie
Nordea's Soaperie (on etsy)