Get Caffeinated with the {NewNew}!
I am not a morning person. I cannot stress that enough. Left to my own devices, I would go to bed at 2:00am and wake up at 11:00am. Yes, I need 9 hours of sleep. Sue me.
However, I am forced to get up at the ungodly hour of 7:00am twice a week - well, I am not exactly forced, but when I had cats I used to like to spend 60-90 minutes with them until I had to start getting ready and I still get up with extra time. But now I spend that time nursing my coffee and reading, playing around on the computer or frantically writing late blog posts. That last example is purely hypothetical. I found coffee after I quit smoking cigarettes, which was over 20 years ago. I desperately needed a new ritual and turned to coffee, which I had previously found disgusting. I still found it awful, but in reverse proportion to the amount of milk and sugar I added. I could only stomach it if it was like melted coffee ice cream, which I am also not so crazy about. But like any good addict, I persevered and over time got to where I only need a teaspoon of sugar and a regular amount of milk. Something else changed - I adore coffee. I love my coffee addiction. Don't get me wrong, I rarely go over 2 cups a day. But the anticipation and the ritual is something I really get excited about. So in honor of coffee, here are some coffee-related items (with special guest tea) from the {NewNew}.
How cool is this? ItsaStitch has embroidered a caffeine molecule! Don't you love science?
Lipeony has basically captured my feelings in this adorable art print.
NordeaSoaperie brilliantly adds coffee grounds to her kitchen scrubby soap, which is made with coffee instead of water to remove fishy or garlicky or other odors from your hands.
Drinking your morning joe out of TakeMeHomeware's mug would be twice as nice!
SuzanneArtist's magnet reminds you of the dangers of overdoing it.
And, as promised, here is your nod to tea. New York Clocks has fashioned a real working clock from a beautiful cobalt blue tea tin. And you can even store things in it!
Until next time,
However, I am forced to get up at the ungodly hour of 7:00am twice a week - well, I am not exactly forced, but when I had cats I used to like to spend 60-90 minutes with them until I had to start getting ready and I still get up with extra time. But now I spend that time nursing my coffee and reading, playing around on the computer or frantically writing late blog posts. That last example is purely hypothetical. I found coffee after I quit smoking cigarettes, which was over 20 years ago. I desperately needed a new ritual and turned to coffee, which I had previously found disgusting. I still found it awful, but in reverse proportion to the amount of milk and sugar I added. I could only stomach it if it was like melted coffee ice cream, which I am also not so crazy about. But like any good addict, I persevered and over time got to where I only need a teaspoon of sugar and a regular amount of milk. Something else changed - I adore coffee. I love my coffee addiction. Don't get me wrong, I rarely go over 2 cups a day. But the anticipation and the ritual is something I really get excited about. So in honor of coffee, here are some coffee-related items (with special guest tea) from the {NewNew}.
How cool is this? ItsaStitch has embroidered a caffeine molecule! Don't you love science?