Meet the Member: Stephanie De John

by Jennifer Velasquez

We are excited to introduce you to self-proclaimed “maker of weird things” Stephanie De John owner of Pop Arts & Crafts! Stephanie incorporates her love of history, science and the macabre to create unique accessories that her customers love. She shared with us her newest design, fascinating facts about young people in the Victorian era and the importance of community in an entrepreneur’s journey.

NYHC: Tell us about what you make. 

Stephanie De John: I make all things that are weird. Some of the weirdness includes crocheted anatomical hearts, plague doctor pins, bug keychains, and victorian flower speak earrings.

NYHC: Where do you live? 

SDJ: I live in Brooklyn, right by Greenwood Cemetery. The neighbors are quiet.

NYHC: What is unique or different about your process and/or designs?

SDJ I draw a lot of my inspiration from odd history and science. Most people don’t know young Victorians had a secret language using flowers to send each other coded messages. I like to bring my weird knowledge to them.

NYHC: Do you have any favorite pieces? What makes them special to you? 

SDJ: My favorite piece right now is our new cicada earrings. I loved cicadas as a kid so they’re really special to me and we designed them by incorporating negative space, so that’s new for us. They were released the first week of October.

NYHC: What is your favorite tool or supply? 

AA: I love using recycled and/or sustainable materials. Most of our acrylic charms are made from recycled acrylic, our wooden pins are sustainably sourced and use less energy to produce than enamel, and our card backs and packaging material are all recycled or made from plants!

NYHC: Is there a new piece/opportunity/change that you're excited about? 

SDJ: This year we’re excited to add gift wrapping to our shop for the holidays. It will, of course, lean on the spooky side, but it’s never been something we’ve offered before so we’re excited to see how it goes!

NYHC: What advice or tips can you share with other makers? 

SDJ: The best advice I can give is check out all of the podcasts out there about having an Etsy shop or being a small business. Podcasts are great because you can listen while you work on your products, but I’ve learned so much from so many of them.