Meet the Member: Jennifer Velasquez

Some start small businesses because they dream of being their own boss or they want to make a living from their passion. Team member Jennifer Velasquez was driven to create The Salvaged Sawhorse after her chronic migraines made it nearly impossible to conform to the 9-6 lifestyle. Inspired by her struggle with basic self-care and self-love, she decided to create tools that helped others like her.

NYHC: Tell us about what you make. 

Jennifer Velasquez: I make tools that help people take time out for their self-care, practice self-love and embrace their inner power. I do that through decks, planners, notepads and kits.

NYHC: Where do you live? 

JV: I live in Ridgewood but spend most weekends in my home in the Catskills where I hope to move to full-time! There are streams and hemlock groves on my land but my Ridgewood railroad apartment also has its own charm!

NYHC: What is unique or different about your process and/or designs?

JV: I start by creating what I need most. For example, for a long-time I had serious negative self-talk. I learned that affirmations had the power to change your inner dialogue so I set about creating a list of empowering statements and from there an entire deck was born.

NYHC: Do you have any favorite pieces? What makes them special to you? 

JV: It constantly changes! Right now I’m enjoying my Feed the Soul deck. I pull a card every week and then complete the activity with my IG community. It’s been great to break from my daily routine and find creative ways to do things that bring me joy while staying safe.

NYHC: What is your favorite tool or supply? 

JV: My iPad and stylus. I resisted it for so long but so glad I caved.

NYHC: Is there a new piece/opportunity/change that you're excited about? 

JV: I’m really excited to create! My business grew in 2020 but that meant that most of the year I was busy packing orders which left little time to exercise my creativity. I can’t wait to slow down and get working on some new pieces inspired by nature and the beauty in each season.

NYHC: Share an important lesson you've learned from running your business. 

JV: Find your community. This year I connected with 7 other Latina small business owners and it’s been a game changer! We have weekly Zoom calls, share goals and troubleshoot issues. I can attribute so many of my 2020 business wins to that group.