Handmade Cavalcade Sponsor Feature: Knitty City!

One of the main sponsors of the Holiday Handmade Cavalcade is Knitty City, a beautiful yarn store on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Opened in January of 2006, Knitty City is the realized dream of Pearl Chin, who designed it as a “ Yarn Studio”. It is devoted to beautiful materials for knitting and crochet, instructional classes and community connection.

Pearl and Arvin Chin

Knitty City’s selection of yarns reflects some of the best brands in the business. New and interesting yarns, and the products that complement them, are always popping up at Knitty City. In addition, the store has one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date collections of knitting, crochet and needle art books, magazines and patterns in New York.

Knitty City is committed to the people behind the yarn and designs, with a shared passion for the artistry that goes into their products. Book signings and events that allow friends and customers to meet authors and designers are regularly scheduled, and new and emerging young talent is highlighted with a monthly “Young Designer” Series.

The store offers classes to students at every level that are facilitated by experienced and friendly instructors. A weekly class for children allows them to explore their creative interests through knitting and crochet. A group of friendly and knowledgeable people is always on hand to help you in whatever way you need.

When I first walked into Knitty City, I was a new knitter and was a little apprehensive at entering into an unknown world of yarn, needle sizes, and indecipherable patterns. Pearl and the staff at Knitty City immediately swooped in, recommending projects for beginners and helping me choose a yarn fiber and weight to complement my design. I was hooked immediately, and have kept going back since.

Pearl keeps her store looking beautiful, with walls of shelving holding any yarn you could ever want. One corner of the store is devoted to the binders of free in-store patterns that you can browse through for as long as you want. The back of the store has tables where beginner and veteran knitters alike sit, share stories, and swap helpful knitting hints.

One of the most fantastic things about Knitty City is the dedication to community. Pearl wanted her store to benefit people in need, but instead of giving away finished products to charities she thought to supply non-profit groups with yarn & needles. She had already seen many friendships develop among her customers, and, with that in mind, she sought to develop “Knitting Circles” within non-profits. Knitty City's first project at the New York Asian Women’s Center, they provided yarn & needles for 40 women in two “safe houses” where they are protected from violence and abuse.

Knitty City is one of those precious New York City stores that makes the city worth living in. Conveniently located on the Upper West Side, this gem is a must see destination. Be sure to stop by the next time you're in the neighborhood!

Knitty City
208 West 79th Street (Broadway and Amsterdam), Manhattan
Hours: Monday, 11am - 6pm; Tuesday, 11am - 6pm (from 11/26 - 12/24 only; usually closed on Tuesdays); Wednesday, 11am - 8pm; Thursday, 11am - 8pm; Friday, 11am - 6pm; Saturday, 11am - 6pm; Sunday, 12pm - 5pm


Artistic Process: What inspires you?

"Color. Mixing colors, seeing how they work together, seeing if they create a lot of contrast or just accent each other. It's all about seeing combinations. Color inspires a lot of what I do in any creative medium. I tend to gravitate towards brighter, more lively colors because I believe it's nice and easier to add a "pop" of color to something simple (say an outfit, room, etc.) than it is the other way around.

When it comes to knitting, the utilitarian aspect is the 2nd characteristic that inspires me. I want to use a fiber that is useful to the recipient so that they can get the most use out of it for as long as possible. In this case, a 100% wool yarn is perfect because it keeps you warm and has high durability in the Fall/Winter. Cotton is awesome for warmer Spring times. The 3rd would be texture and quality. A lovely, soft skein of alpaca yarn just screams to be stroked and you know you want it close to the skin. It's why I love making alpaca knit items when I do get the chance (alpaca can be pricey so that's a con)."


Summer Knitting in the City

I have always been a crafter and feel a need to keep busy, especially when traveling. A few years ago, I discovered knitting and found that it was the perfect mobile craft. I was originally self taught from books, but have since discovered that taking classes here in the city improved my skills and understanding of the craft so much more. I learned how to finish a garment, how to choose the right yarn for the right project, how to fix some mistakes... I even learned how to crochet.

Knitting on the subways and buses is such a natural thing to do as a crafter in NYC. All you need is one skein of yarn, knowledge of two stitches (knit and purl), and one set of knitting needles at a time and off you go. Buying and using circular needles made it so easy that I found myself going everywhere with a knitting project in tow. With the circular needle, I wouldn't even bother those who sat next to me with my long needles clicking away. As I knit, I found that other passengers were interested in learning about the art of knitting and would strike up conversations about knitting groups, materials, shops, etc. I have taught more than a few children in the Bronx how to knit on my morning or afternoon commutes to and from the school I taught within and I even began to carry an extra set of needles and scrap yarn in my bag, just in case.

As it got hotter and hotter in the city during the summer months, I found myself struggling to continue with my commuting pastime though. The feeling of wool passing between my fingers warms and comforts me in the winter and fall, but makes me itch and sweat in the summer. Then I discovered the wonders of cotton and bamboo yarns, that are fabulous for summer shawls, baby knits and household knits. These yarns are less expensive than their wool and alpaca counterparts (for the most part) and softer than their acrylic cousins. All of the projects fit nicely into my happy tote and are readily available for every commute by train, bus, or ferry, for every queue that I must wait within, and for every park that has a bench or lawn to sit upon. Heck, knitting is the one craft that is endorsed by America's favorite summer sport, baseball. A bleacher seat is a great setting to knit considering that major league sporting events take commercial breaks and now there are cup holders for your beer. Stitch N' Pitch events are scheduled throughout the world. Check out the schedule for a game in your area.

Summer in the city is also the moving season for most NYC dwellers. Housewarming parties become frequent calendar events. A summer knit project may become that perfect housewarming gift. A set of hand-knit dish cloths are a great eco-friendly gift possibility. Below I have listed several other summer knitting project possibilities. And if you have an iPhone or something of that sort, there are now numerous applications that help a knitter keep track of their stitches and/or their stashes.

Speaking of stashes, when it comes to yarn in the summertime, I have learned that going into the shops and talking to those who work there, asking for advice, and feeling the yarns are the best things that you may do before starting your summer knit projects. Some of the shops that offer a wonderful selection of classes and materials are Purl Soho in Soho, Knitty City on the UWS, and Flying Fingers in Tarrytown, NY. Please check out their websites for details as they offer new classes each month in a wide variety of skill levels and have new yarns coming in almost every week. Also, a couple of the shops mentioned are offering special deals for you lucky readers! For those of you not in the NYC area, they do offer online shopping too!

Knitty City
208 West 79th St
10% discount for all shoppers mentioning The {NewNew} between 7/26/2009-8/26/2009
They will be closed from August 11 - August 16 though.
Look out for their kimono fabrics and handmade papers too!

Purl Soho
137 Sullivan Street
Check www.purlbee.com for special {NewNew} offers too.

Flying Fingers
15 Main Street, Tarrytown, New York
Offers free transportation from NYC to Tarrytown, NY aboard the Yarn Bus. Check their website for the schedule and how to make a reservation. A great Saturday getaway for the knitter looking to get out of the city for the day, enjoy the Hudson views, and get their knit on.

Marvelous Summer Knitting Project Ideas (with FREE patterns)

iPhone Applications that may make your mobile knitting even easier:
(Links open in iTunes)

Knitting Yarn Calculator
Ewe Stash
Knit Buddy
iKnit Needle Sizer
Knit Counter
iLocate - wool & yarn
Knit Counter Lite

If you love and want the knitted item, but don't care to knit it yourself, then check out the following {NewNew} team members and their beautifully knit items in their etsy shops.

Felt It

Baby, It's Cold Outside :: A Baby Leg Warmer How-To!

As a mom of a ten-month old, it's very tempting to keep my daughter in her pajamas all day during the winter. Pajamas are easy. They make diaper changes a snap. They keep her warm. But what about all those cute dresses and long-sleeved onesies lying dormant in her clothing baskets? Will I be forced to tell Aunt Edna that I never got around to putting my daughter in that awesome dress she gave us at our baby shower because it was too cold (or, ahem, that I was too lazy)?

Thankfully, there is a solution to this age old problem that I'm sure is plaguing all of us at night. Baby legwarmers are the solution to style, comfort, and ease in these cold winter months. They don't have to be removed while changing diapers, and they keep chubby baby legs toasty and protected. They look really cool with a dress. You will definitely be labeled as the cool mom.

The pattern for baby legwarmers is quite easy, and you can easily use leftover yarn (you will need about 40 grams total). Just a small caution: this project requires small knitting needles and fingerling yarn, so progress might be a little slow. But rest assured, the end product is well worth the work!

Baby Legwarmers (fits babies 0 - 18 months, maybe longer!)

1 set of US #2 double-pointed needles
Fingerling yarn in two colors (I used Lanette Superwash in Peach and Mauve. You can make 2 sets of baby legwarmers if you alternate the colors.)

1. Cast on 60 stitches in Mauve, making sure stitches are loose
2. Distribute the stitches evenly on three needles (20 stitches per needle) and join in a circle
3. Knit 2x2 rib for 1.5 inches
4. Switch to Peach yarn and do straight stockinette stitch until 5 inches long from cast on
6. *K5, K2tog and repeat from * to end of round
7. *K4, K2tog and repeat from * to end of round
8. Knit straight for another 2 inches
9. *K3, K2tog and repeat from * to end of round
10. Switch back to Mauve yarn
11. Knit 2x2 rib for another 1.5 inches
12. Bind off
13. Repeat for other side

Stay warm!

Windows of Agate