Japan Fashion Now - Contemporary Japanese Fashion at FIT

Many of you probably know that the Fashion Institute of Technology maintains a free museum. Japan Fashion Now is the special exhibit currently on display in a gallery space transformed to evoke the cityscape of 21st century Tokyo. It features ensembles that cover the eighties and its avant-garde designers Miyake, Yamamoto, and Kawakubo,

and proceeds to showcase current looks inspired by the neighborhood Omotesando site of Comme des Garcon's flagship store.

For me (and my 9-year old) the most interesting pieces were the Gothic-Punk Lolita styles by Hirooka Naoto as exemplified by the stage costumes worn by the singers Hangry and Angry.

If you can't make it to the actual exhibit, you should at least drop by the virtual one, which includes an interview with Dr. Valerie Steele, the director of the museum.


Happy New Year: Japanese-American Potato Salad Recipe

All over Asia, New Year's is the family holiday of the year, and Japan is no exception. Back in the old country, people sit around on New Year's Day reading their enormous stacks of New Year's cards and eating Osechi, but we've gotten a little more casual this side of the pond. (A friend of mine calls it the "hang-over party.") The main traditions we've saved at my household are spending a whole day eating delicious food enjoying the company of family and close friends.

Try this Japanese-American twist on good old potato salad!

Japanese-American Potato Salad
(serves a crowd)

5lbs of Russet Potatoes, peeled and in large dice
8 hard boiled eggs, shelled and in large dice
1 cup frozen peas
1/2 carrot, roughly grated
2 Tbsp. dried baby shrimp
2 cups mayonnaise (more or less depending on your taste)
Salt and Pepper

Boil potatoes in lightly salted water until tender, but firm. In a large bowl, combine potatoes, eggs, peas, and carrot. If necessary, mince baby shrimp finely (you shouldn't be able to see them once incorporated into the salad), sprinkle over salad and combine. Add mayonnaise until it reaches the consistency you like, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. This salad tastes best if left in the refrigerator overnight to let flavors combine.

You might tuck this recipe away until the Lunar New Year, it's never failed on Chinese New Year's either!
