Salsa Recipe

Several years ago, we where invited to a barbecue and that's when I first tried homemade salsa on top of my steak. Since then, there is no barbecue without this great side dish for my family and friends, and even our kids love the veggies boost ;O)
Salsa is great all year round on not only steak, but also chicken or even meatloaf.

  • half of white onion
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 1-2 jalapeno peppers
  • 1-2 lemons (depending on size and amount of juice)
  • cilantro
  • salt to taste

1. Chop all the veggies finely and place them in a mixing bowl.
Use 1 or 2 jalapeno peppers depending on how hot the peppers are, and on your personal preference. It's a good idea to use gloves while chopping the peppers; sometimes they are very hot, and the skin burn afterwards is not very pleasant.

2. Roll a lemon on a flat surface applying pressure to release the juice before cutting it in half and squeeze the juice into the bowl.

3. Add salt to taste. (I personally use quite a bit of salt.)

4. Mix the salsa and leave it for a bit to let the flavors mix.
If your salsa is too spicy for your taste, add finely chopped cucumbers, but allow the flavors to mix first as the salsa becomes milder after a while.

I also make a different version of this recipe without the tomatoes, which we use for steak tacos (great way to reuse leftover steak the next day after grilling). All you will need are some corn tortillas, which will be topped with reheated steak cut into pieces and salsa.


by Mirela Jazdzewska from Jantar Handcrafted Jewelry

Potato and pickled beet salad

My husband was very anxious to kick off the barbecue season this year, partially due to a gradual change in my cooking habits in recent months which introduced vegetarian dishes to our dinner menu. Even though I enjoy a good steak once in a while, I love all the veggie-loaded side dishes. Potato and Beet salad is one of my family's and friend's favorites.

1 can of Goya dark kidney beans
1 jar of Greenwood sweet & tangy sliced pickled beets
1 red onion
4-5 medium potatoes
Salt & pepper to taste


Peel and dice the potatoes, place in a pot covering with water, add salt and cook on medium high until soft. Drain and let cool.

Drain the picked beets and cut into pieces.

Add diced red onion and drained red kidney beans.

Mix in mayonnaise and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Over the years, I have tried many brands of dark kidney beans and pickled beets, and learned that the ones I used in this recipe have the best flavour and texture. To make the salad a bit more sweet and tangy, I sometimes add a bit of liquid reserved from the pickled beets.

I hope you will enjoy this recipe, it truly is the perfect addition to an outdoor menu.

~ Mirela
Jantar Handcrafted Jewelry