April Is Earth Month! Let's Celebrate!
I have to be honest with you though, there is many a day where I sit in front of this space and scratch my head not knowing what to write. I know, I should an editorial calendar, but I've been slacking (and I admit it) and therefore don't. For me, the basics are simple- feature helpful environmental, crafty, artisanal, and accessible tips, projects, artists, products for those looking to make an impact whether large or small in their own art, craft and/or business world. At least that is my mission; I hope you find it agreeable and that you've been inspired thus far.
Anyhow, I share this with you so that you can imagine me sitting in front of my computer blank, scratching my head not just in the time before the article is due, but in the days leading up to it. Don't feel bad though, usually, when I've reached peak frustration, something amazing happens- I am inspired! Which means when you view my post the next day it is fresh off the brain.
For today's post, I was stumped. See, I was planning to discuss my new favorite recycling option I just discovered, but didn't know how to loop it in without it seeming like a red stain on a white blouse. But then something even more magical than just being suddenly inspired happened-I got an email from the Etsy Gods reminding me that it is Earth Month! I mean "duh, Sara! How could you forget Earth Day is April 22nd?!"
In the spirit of the Etsy reminder, I've decided that this article should be about ideas to celebrate our incredible planet with ways to celebrate and add my tip to help conserve/reuse/recycle. This post will get you through at least the first two weeks of April, although my favorite tip at the bottom, I hope you incorporate in your life, especially during spring cleaning periods. Without further ado, here are ways to celebrate and make with the help of Etsy and my favorite tip:
Etsy Events and How-To's:
How-Tuesday: Embroidered Cork Jewelry- Online
Craft Night at Craft and Folk Art Museum in LA - Thursday April 5, 2012
Etsy Hands-On: Dirt in NY - Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Favorite Earth Month Tip: Recycling Plastic Cards (Gift and Credit):
My purse is swimming with those plastic cards. You know the kind- the ones you get in the mail for guest reward programs, or at holidays to use at shops. In many cases, you use the card and then throw it in the trash, never wondering where that little scrap of plastic is headed...to the landfill where it won't disintegrate for millions of years.
However, now there's an alternative, and boy, am I excited about it- a company called Earthworks recycles your old/unused/expired cards and turns them into reusable sheet stock for future plastic coated cards. Amazing, right?! Even better is that by recycling these cards, you're helping reduce the demand for virgin PVC plastic that is used each time a new credit or gift card is made.
I went ahead and registered my email because I have quite a few cards that could stand being recycled. The address and instructions for recycling the cards is as follows:
Earthworks c/o Halprin Ind.
25840 Miles Rd.
Bedford, Oh 44146
- Please just send plastic cards, no rubber bands, paper clips or paper
- Please put a label or hand write the name of your organization on the package so we can track it.
- If sending credit cards, please make sure to call and cancel the card so that the card is no longer active
Which reminds me, I'll have a follow up post to Earth Day on the 23rd, that hopefully includes a first hand account of their event Etsy Hands-On: Dirt, where participants will get to make their own tiny terrarium and seed bombs on April 10 at the Etsy Labs with the expertise of Kimberly Sevilla of Rose Red and Lavender.
Oh and if you have any tips or want to share how you are celebrating Earth Day/Month please do so. I'm interested. I may even want to join you, or feature you in a future blog posting!
Enjoy your Earth Month!