NewNew Takes On The Wardrobe Refashion Challenge

I'm excited to introduce a new weekly feature to the {NewNew} blog. For the next six months participating members have committed to buying only handmade, used, and vintage clothing and challenge themselves to make or refashion items themselves. This project was inspired by and running in conjunction with the original Wardrobe Refashion Challenge. You will be able to follow our journeys here, along with associated how-to projects and guest refashionistas.

The Challengers (in their own words):

Beacon Bookmarks
Now that I split my time between the woodshop making our bookmarks and an office job, I don't always have to dress like a hobo. My wardrobe seems to be inspired by the Target clearance rack and I would love to add some individuality to what I have (especially the well-loved worn out pieces) plus use up some of my large fabric stash. The hard part is deciding what to do first!

Better Than Jam
I always think it is such a waste to just throw old clothes out. I am a huge believer in giving items several lives.


i joined wardrobe refashion two years ago, and though i stopped posting after my first six months, i've kept up the pledge. the wardrobe refashion community actually helped inspire me to create my business, making home accessories out of repurposed secondhand fabrics.

I'm Kari (aka Ikyoto), and after looking in my closet I have found it wanting. Rather than head to the chain stores, I'm planning on taking a creative adventure and supporting artisans whose values I share.

Jennifer has been a long time proponent of fair trade and sweat shop free products, and has been shopping with these ethics in mind for several years, but this will mark the first attempt at such an absolute commitment to these ideals! She is excited for the challenge, and looks forward to sharing her experiences.

Karen's Monsters
I'm Karen of Karen's Monsters. The more involved I've become in the handmade movement, the more I've come to appreciate well-made goods that have a positive impact on our environment and communities. I'm looking forward to the challenge and hoping to extend this project into a lifetime habit.

Luck (x4)
Tanya has been sewing and making her own clothes since Jr. High (with photos of some bad 80's outfits to prove it). She also loves hunting for vintage clothes, fabric and (especially) patterns. She's always been more of a "make from scratch" kind of girl rather than a "re-fashioner" but is hoping to do a little of both while participating in this project.

The Pledge

6 month pledge
We, the {NewNew} Refashion members, pledge that we shall refashion, renovate, recycle pre-loved items for ourselves with our own hands in fabric, yarn or other medium for the term of our contract. We pledge that we will share the love and post a photo of my refashioned, renovated, recycled, crafted or created item of clothing on the Wardrobe Refashion blog, so that others may share the joy that thy thriftiness brings!
Signed {NewNew} Refashion Members.

Check back next week for our first installment!
