Birthday Wishes

Today is my best friend's birthday!  Like me, she is a Geminii and we both love a wide variety of pretty, shiny objects.  In her honor here are some beautiful, shiny, unique, awesome and dazzling items, brought to you by the fabulously talented {NewNew} team!

Let her eat cake and lots of it.  Make it the pineapple upside-down kind please. 
Caketime print, $8, available at MyZoetrope.

She's always on the go and constantly losing things.  
This bag is perfect because it can be attached to her wrist.  Ha!
The Super Pleated clutch, $68, available at bungaloe.

In our own minds.
FOX pillow, $79, available at alexandraferguson

I won't mention the time we went to a local bakery and she bought a dozen red velvets.  She then proceeded to eat 6 of them at one sitting.  That's just between you, me and the blog.
Lampwork Sprinkle cupcake, $32, available at astudiobythesea.

What I didn't mention is that she's a runner.  So she's allowed to eat 6 cupcakes 
because it will all fall off her after her 6th mile.  Me on the other hand....
Ipod armband, $20, available at JiJis.

This might be the one thing that could make her stop and stare for more than 3 seconds.
Crystal Vitrail Necklace, $45 available at AdornmentsNYC.

I'd buy her this card so I could write something sappy in it.
Then she would read it aloud dramatically and we'd giggle until we felt sick from all the cupcakes.
Koi Bubbles notecard, $5 available at Fubabee.

Happy birthday Madness!  xoxoxo!


{NewNew} for Good:Disaster Relief in Haiti

I work for a non-profit Foster Care/Adoption agency which has many clients from Haiti, and as such we have been given suggestions to donate for Haiti's disaster relief.

In addition to my independent donation, I have discovered a way that perhaps more could be contributed for the relief effort in Haiti.

And so for the months of January and February, I pledge to donate a percentage of The Original Beadscarf net Etsy sales to The Red Cross in order to contribute to Haiti's disaster relief. Please visit for more details.

Lingua Nigra is also running a similar campaign for Haitians in distress for the month of January.

Please feel free to comment here if you are doing any similar charitable effort within your own Etsy shop!

Thank you for your support.

From Muddy To Marvelous: Nordea's Soaperie encounter with Neko Case

Anyone who vends at one of the many craft shows and markets that take place in New York City knows it can be hit or miss. Sometimes it can really test your tenacity. Especially with the economic climate...and the climate itself!

The {NewNew}'s very own Nordea of Nordea's Soaperie can attest to a day that was less than stellar. It was a day at the All Points West Music Festival when she was selling her fine handcrafted soap. Nordea described how there was just mud everywhere and her favorite shoes were a real mess. Still, she endured the festival and the commitment she had made to display with other crafters.

This story shows that you never know what great things can come out of a day that didn't at first seem all that special.

Nordea recounted to me that a few people bought her Lemon-Poppy Body Polish scrub. Little did she know that a few weeks later, an order would come in for several more. And that the order would come from one amazing singer: Neko Case! Her backup vocalist, Kelly Hogan, also ordered it!

Last Monday morning I received a quick email from Nordea which was very short and to the point:

"Can't give you all the details now, but a singer bought my scrub and wants to invite me as a VIP with a guest for a show tonight, you in??"

My reply: "Heck yeah!!"

After the wonderful (and sold out) show, Nordea and I proceeded to the VIP area to wait patiently for Neko's meet and greet session. After briefly saying hello to some other VIP's, Neko almost instantly spotted Nordea and came over to us and gave us both hugs! I stood by with such a smile on my face as Neko spoke with Nordea to explain how being on tour offers few chances for pure bliss and how Nordea's scrub really was one of the highlights of her tour so far! It was magical, if not surreal. Neko Case is now a bonifide fan of Nordea's Soaperie and has vowed to help Nordea spread the gospel of her handmade soap, as she is a huge fan of the entire handmade revolution herself. Neko even offered to grow plants and herbs at her farm in Vermont especially for Nordea's Soap! She also said that she would try to visit our Holiday Handmade Cavalcade on December 5th!!!

Neko then asked us if we'd like to grab a drink with her and the band at a bar on the Upper West Side not far from the Beacon Theatre. How could we refuse! So off we went and hung out and spoke with, among others, Neko's backup singer Kelly who was also so down to earth and ranting and raving about Nordea's scrub!

It was an unforgettable evening, and I believe that Nordea emerged a rockstar! And in all this, I also believe that everyone can take away valuable message from Nordea's story: You never know when a muddy day will take a turn for the marvelous!

I would like thank Nordea for sharing this moment with me!

by Lorina Pellach-Ladrillono of

The Original Beadscarf

Book Review: 1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse by Garth Johnson

Book Review:

by Lorina Pellach-Ladrillono
of The Original Beadscarf

1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse by Garth Johnson
pub. date: Nov 2009 / 320 pages

'Inspirations' might be a better word than 'Ideas' for the title of this book. I would imagine that most crafters, myself included, have experienced what would be akin to writer's block. One flip through Garth Johnson's '1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse' could inspire at least several weekends of creative energy.

Inside this beautifully curated and photographed book are images of items whose parts would have likely found their way to a landfill. Instead, they have been fished out of a junk drawer of extra castaways and recycled/ repurposed into jewelry, objects d' art, bags, couture dresses, clocks and even furniture.

Amazingly, no parts or refuse are rejected!

The impressive collection includes playing cards transformed into butterflies and attached to pearl necklaces; single bud flower vases created from empty toothpaste tubes and Full scale art installations. Fabric, glass, even ice is recycled! Postcards in place of wallpaper; Tea carton wallpaper and furniture; Bottlecap mosaics to mimic famous paintings; a sugar packet table cloth in a pretty flower motif; money chandelier made of US $1; and most striking, if not downright gruesome-, jewelry made entirely of dismembered Barbie doll parts- again, no part spared!

As I thumb through 1000 Ideas, I couldn't help but notice the works of many crafty colleagues I know featured from TheNewNew and beyond.

Although the works included in this book are mostly from USA, there are also adaptations from Canada, New Zealand Germany, Finland, UK, Spain, Australia, Israel and Sweden to name a few.
So next time you are feeling crafty but can’t seem to get going, pick up this book, grab that remnant you’ve been saving for ‘making something someday’, and get inspired.

Be warned though: I have a feeling this book may just spawn a new generation of crafters!

DIY Halloween Costume - Potato Bug and Gingerbread Cookie

Trick or Treat! Would you dare open your door to two such nefarious characters? Take a second look at the smaller mug:

Well, don't let this delectable looking Gingerbread Cookie fool you. I used to call her "the Brute" back then. She was nearly kicked out of her Montessori school a year later and there are dents around the house from the ferocity of her tantrums.

This costume also proves that I always seem to have food on my mind. For my son's first Halloween, he was a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, which was rather ironic as he soon developed a bad peanut allergy. He used to go ring each doorbell and say, "Trick or Treat I can't have any candy with nuts or eggs." The conversations that ensued made for slow going on Halloween night. I made my daughter into a Gingerbread Cookie for her first Halloween, and showing she knew a good thing when she saw it, she asked to be a Cookie again for her second turn at trick or treating.

I used a store bought generic clown/bodysuit pattern, light brown heavy fleece, 4.5 yards of thick cream rickrack, 24" of pink satin ribbon, elastic for the wrists and ankles, velcro for the hood, a zipper for the back, and some deep purple fabric for the raisins. Follow the directions on the package but attach the rickrack before sewing front and back together. I made the raisins by taking a circle of fabric and just scrunching it into a wrinkly oval and sewing it together before attaching it to the costume.

I was so worried about my little morsel getting cold that I made this outfit as warm as a woolly coat. Of course my daughter had a metabolism like a furnace and she got rather sweaty inside it. But she looked good, and as she in her present incarnation would opine, that is all that matters.

Where's that can of Raid when you need it? We really thought our son would turn out to be an entomologist at this time, as there was nothing he loved so much as insects. So it was no surprise when he asked to be a potato bug for Halloween. I bought a black turtle neck at the consignment shop, and used material scraps I had already for the rest of the costume. I basically sewed a pillow in the oval shape of a potato bug, glued on strips of black for the stripes, and time always being short, simply pinned it to the back of his shirt. He was of course adamant that an insect had six legs, so I sewed two tubes of black fabric, stuffed them and pinned them to the back of his shirt as well. I also put a loop on the ends to slip over his wrists so he could wave all four arms at once. I attached some pipe cleaners to a headband for his antennae.

"This is good stuff. How 'bout we slip out and do a few more blocks while Mom's asleep?"

Happy Halloween!


Recipe - Vegan Chocolate Cake

I'd done a decent amount of baking in my life before I was blessed with two children with food allergies to eggs and nuts. Thanks to the internet I've been able to find and modify some recipes so they wouldn't be deprived of childhood's staple goodies. This is a fast and simple recipe for egg-free chocolate cake.

Vegan Chocolate Cake

3 cups all purpose flour
2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vinegar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups water

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Stir together all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add the oil, vanilla, vinegar and water. Mix together until smooth.

Pour into baking cups for cupcakes or greased cake pans. Cook 15 minutes for the former and around 45 minutes for the latter. Remove from oven when a toothpick goes in and comes out clean, and allow to cool. Makes 24 cupcakes , two 9x5 inch loaf pans or two large round cake layers.

Not being dietary vegans, we frost with chocolate ganache.

Cocolat's Ganache

1 quart heavy whipping cream
1 lb. dark chocolate

Grind up the dark chocolate very fine in the food processor.

Heat cream over medium heat in metal mixing bowl on top of the stove. Watch carefully or it will boil over.

Stir in ground chocolate, and continue to heat over lowest heat setting and stir occasionally until bits of chocolate are really melted in.

Chill mixture in the refrigerator for several hours. Take out and whip with a mixer until just stiff enough to hold it's shape. Use for frosting cakes or just enjoying by itself. YUM!
